New Skin Care Products Review(before and after pictures)中英文
Hi loves, today I want to share some skin care products with you. After just TWO WEEKS I can't believe the difference they've made on my skin !!! Pictures are without any filter,retouch or photoshop(I took them by my phone because I wasn't intentionally to show the before-after pictures), and here these are screenshots on my phone:
Upper picture is before, lower picture is After:

If you want to know what I used, please keep reading :)
So this how it started:
My skin suddenly started to have bad breakouts on my face everywhere. They were really visiable and big. I was like OMG What should I do ?!! I don't normally have breakouts, so this is kind of big deal for me. I was trying to think whether it’s because of my diet or not, but I eat pretty healthy and I go to gym regularly. I wasn't even be able to put any foundation on my face. So I decided to change my entire skin care that I was using!!!
I am a big fan of Japanese makeup and skincare and I also went to Japan twice LOVE there!!! :) I wasn't familiar with Tatcha until I saw their Dewy Skin Mist on Sephora’s website and was recommend by couple famous MUAs on instagram. But the most important thing when I check their products out is their products are without Parabens, Sulfates and Phthalates and they are made in Japan! (ingredients are really important to me when I buy skin care products). I checked the benefit of their ingredients before I pruchase anything.
Here is the link if you want to check it out: Camellia
I got the Ritual discovery kit, Camellia Cleansing Oil in full size, and Gentle Rice Enzyme Powder in travel size.

First, the ritual discovery kit is a two-week introduction has essential four steps(which I think it’s a great idea, so customers can give it a try before they spend their money to buy full sizes, their products are kind of pricy ).
The Ritual Discovery Kit includes:
- PURE One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil Travel Size:25mL
- POLISHED Classic Rice Enzyme Powder Travel Size:10g
- RADIANT Deep Brightening Serum Travel Size:10mL
- SUPPLE Moisture Rich Silk Cream Travel Size:10mL

I use the Camellia Cleansing Oil every night; it reminds me cleansing oils from Shu uemura(I will write a comparison post soon). I just put one pump of the oil on my dry face and massage it on my entire face and even my neck for 2 or 3 mins, then add warm water while I am massaging it. Once the oil is mixed with warm water it became milky creamy like on my face. This oil is super gentle with a great cleansing power and it makes my face feel neither greasy nor dry. Though I would not just use it alone to remove my makeup. I always use cleansing water or my regular cleanser (or Rice Enzyme Powder )to clean my face after I used the Camellia Cleansing Oil (I just don't want any makeup or dirts stay on my face before I go to bed.)

The Enzyme Powder is for exfoliating your skin, I really love this also. Because it’s so gentle and left my skin baby-soft and smooth. Some people said it also helps with blackheads, so I am going to keep using it and see the result. This is water-activated and I use it twice every week. What makes it special is their ingredients: rice bran, papaya and HADASEI-3 Bioactive Complex. The Serum supposes to restore skin and give it a luminous glowing skin, but I do not really use it, only at night. Then it's the Moisture Rich Silk Cream I love love it, because it calms my skin and it makes my skin soft and also moistures my skin, but the finishing is different than other moisturizers I have; this cream has a thicker formula. This is good for my dry skin :)
As you can see my pictures, my breakouts are cleared out and skin became so much better! I am really happy about that! I have not be so impressed by any skincare products until I tried Tatcha! Now I will keep using this skincare line, thinking about to get some of their other products, like their moisture cream and new eye cream.
Ritual discovery kit $59
PURE One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil $48
Gentle Rice Enzyme Powder in travel size $15
Where to buy:
If you are planning to try these products,
Don't forget to use Ebate, right now if you shop at is 8% cash back!!
我是中干混合皮肤 以前可以说是不长痘痘的,前段时间皮肤完全就失去了控制。 完全不能用任何的化妆品。真的是出于崩溃边缘, 皮肤差到不想出门。于是我就开始把我所有的护肤品换了, 我听说Tatcha最近特别火, 我就准备试试。 她家明星产品是那个 山茶花卸颜油和大米酵素洁面粉。 我一直都没听说过这个牌子,直到在丝芙兰和instagram上看见推荐。 我买了她家的的ritual套装(给想试试这个牌子的人用的)和大米酵素洁面粉小样还有山茶花卸颜油大瓶。Ritual 套装包括山茶花卸颜油,大米酵素洁面粉,透白美白深层精华和柔嫩丝华保湿霜。
第一步先用卸颜油,这个油跟植村秀的卸妆油很像。 但是这个油特别的温和然后洗完脸后不紧绷。 下次我在纤细对比tatcha和植村秀的油好了。 不管有没有化妆我都会用这个油,但如果我化妆了的话我还用卸妆水在彻底清洗一下。
第二步用大米酵素洁面粉, 这个不是每天都用, 我一般一周用两次。它最主要的作用就是去死皮。皮肤用了以后超级光滑!这个去死皮比很多我用过的产品都要温和。
第三步是透白美白深层精华,我只用过两次。 因为冒痘痘期前最好不要用精华之类的。
第四步是柔嫩丝华保湿霜,这个保湿霜我超级喜欢。因为我冬天皮肤特别干 所以这个刚好。擦完后脸觉得很舒服
你可以从我前后对比的图片看出, 我的皮肤完全变好了, 很细滑然后感觉很舒服。 两周能有这样的效果真的是很惊讶。
Ritual discovery kit $59
PURE One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil $48
Gentle Rice Enzyme Powder in travel size $15